Source: PureWow (Extract)
Posted: April 18, 2021
Whether they’re chasing feather wands or greeting everyone who comes through the front door, many cats have a remarkably friendly side.
Some breeds are predisposed to be more social than others—several have even been known to become BFFs with family dogs and small children. When it comes to cats, it’s important to remember that “friendly” could mean everything from calmly approaching you and choosing your lap for a nap to playing hide and seek in the backyard.
Get to know your cat’s preferences with strangers and other animals before tossing them into a social situation. To begin, here are the friendliest cat breeds.
1. Abyssinian
2. American Shorthair
3. Bengal
4. Birman
5. Bombay
6. Burmilla
7. Donskoy
8. Egyptian Mau
9. Maine Coon
10. Minskin
11. Ragamuffin
12. Russian Blue
13. Siamese
14. Tonkinese
15. Toybob