Source: Sentinel & Enterprise (Extract)
Posted: February 21, 2021

For those of us living in northern climes, the corrosive effects of salt on our pet’s paws is definitely a risk. But don’t let the presence of salt deter you from giving your dog the outside time he’s used to.

There are various products you can use, and most pet stores have balms or moisturizers with wax that will help protect his skin.

You can use petroleum jelly. When you come home, wipe his feet thoroughly with a wet cloth, especially between the pads. You can’t see if salt was used on a road, but you can see the after-effects. If you walk your dog down a wet road in winter, with snow all around, that road has received a lot of salt. The same goes for sidewalks.

If your dog is limping or showing reluctance to move forward after a long walk, he may have a burn. Treatment should be immediate. First, wash the injured paw with antibacterial soap. Rinse thoroughly and pat the foot with a dry, clean towel to remove all moisture. If you can see the injury — blisters or cuts — treat with an antiseptic, such as betadine or hydrogen peroxide. Allow the antiseptic to air dry.

Some injuries may take a week to heal, and in the interim, you might consider “booties” for your canine. And if you have yard space, why not shovel a winding path that your dog can travel on safely?