Source: Count On 2 News (Extract)
February 23, 2022

Berkeley County is considering a program that would allow people within the community to help feral cats.

The initiative would enable people to pick up feral cats, take them to the Berkeley County Animal Center to be neutered, and then return them to the wild.

The animal center said they believe the new program could save the lives of many cats in the future.

“It’ll enable us to, you know, drastically increase the live release rate for cats in Berkeley County,” said Debbie Allen, Shelter Manager, Berkeley Animal Center.

Here’s how it would work: “When healthy cats are brought into the shelter they will be vaccinated, spayed and neutered, microchip, and then released back into the community where they were at.”

The trap, vaccinate, neuter, and release program, or TVNR, will help out.

Animal advocates say this has proven to lower the cat population over time, and it could help Berkeley Animal Center hit the no-kill shelter numbers with cats.

They have been officially a no-kill shelter for dogs during the last three years.

“It stabilizes the colonies and the cats that are in the community. Now the numbers do not increase because of course we are keeping them from reproducing, so there are no new cats coming in.”

This is a partnership with other local shelters and several organizations.

“The Massachusetts SPCA is going to send veterinarians down to help us out. And Best Friends, which is a nationwide organization, is supporting us and mentoring us.”

Right now, it is against the Berkeley County ordinance to have feral cat communities or to feed feral cats. That means cats can’t be picked up, neutered, and released a joint into those areas.

“It has to be put in our ordinance,” said Allen. “They have to allow community cats in the county.”

Once Berkeley County Council approves that change, Trap Vaccinate Neuter, and Release can begin.

This program could be implemented sometime within the next 90 days.