Source: Real News Montana (Extract)
Posted: August 02, 2023
Sometimes you just want to chill with a drink and a fluffy kitty.
The popularity of cat cafes continues to grow as more locations open across the U.S.
For those unfamiliar with the concept, cat cafes give people a place to pet furry felines while enjoying a hot coffee or even a glass of wine.
Everyone wins.
Cat lovers get a place to relax and adoptable animals get a chance to interact with humans. Some even find their way into a new home.
We tracked down 28 cat cafes that are among the best when it comes to offering a relaxed vibe mixed with adorable felines.
Oh, and their names are pretty amazing, too.
28 Cat Cafes You Need To Visit In the U.S. Just For Their Purr-fect Names
Cat cafes continue to spring up across the U.S. giving people a place to pet furry felines while enjoying a hot coffee or even a glass of wine. Everyone wins. Cat lovers get a place to relax and adoptable animals get a chance to interact with humans. Some even find their way into a new home. Here are 28 U.S. cat cafes that went above and beyond coming up with their creative business name and unique experiences for cat fans in their community.
Location: Huntington, New York
Website: catpurrccinos.com
Cattfeinated Cat Cafe
Location: Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Website: greensburgcatcafe.com
Catsbury Park
Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey
Website: catsburypark.com
The Catcade
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Website: thecatcade.org
All The Single Kitties
Location: Old Saybrook, Connecticut
Website: allthesinglekitties.com
don’t stress meowt
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Website: dontstressmeowt-catcafe.com
Cattyshack Cafe
Location: Fort Myers, Florida
Website: cattyshackcafe.com
Central Purrk Cat Cafe
Location: Georgetown, Kentucky
Website: centralpurrkcafe.com
Feeline Good Cat Cafe
Location: Gainsville, Florida
Website: feelinegoodcatcafe.com
Frisky Business Palm Springs Cat Cafe
Location: Palm Spring, California
Website: friskybusinesscatcafe.com
Habicat Cafe
Location: Clayton, Georgia
Website: habicatcafe.com
Give Purrs A Chance
Location: Berkley Springs, West Virginia
Website: givepurrsachance.org
Kitten Around Cat Lounge
Location: Carthage, North Carolina
Website: kittenaroundcatlounge.com
KitTea Cat Lounge & Cafe
Location: San Francisco, California
Website: kitteasf.com
Kitty Pause Kitty Cafe
Location: Mesa, Arizona
Website: kittypausecafe.com
Mount Purrnon Cat Cafe and Wine Bar
Location: Alexandria, Virginia
Website: mtpurrnoncatcafe.com
Naughty Cat Cafe
Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Website: naughtycatcafe.com
Purrfect Pause Cat Cafe
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Website: purrfectpause.com
Patriot Pawsabilities Cat Lounge
Location: Fairfax, West Virginia
Website: patriotpawsabilities.com
Purrmaid Cafe
Location: Camarillo, California
Website: purrmaidcatcafe.com
River City Kitty Cat Cafe
Location: Evansville, Indiana
Website: riverkittycatcafe.org
Seattle Meowtropolitan Cat Cafe
Location: Seattle, Washington
Website: seameow.com
Sugar Kittens Cafe and Cattery
Location: Liberty, Missouri
Website: sugarkittenscatcafe.com
Pawffee Shop Cat Cafe
Location: Appleton, Wisconsin
Website: pawffeeshop.com
The Tipsy Tabby
Location: Newmarket, New Hampshire
Website: thetipsytabby.com
Tiny Lions Lounge
Location: Huron, Michigan
Website: tinylions.org
Toe Beans & Dreams Adoption Cafe
Location: Pearl City, Hawaii
Website: toebeanshi.com
The Twisted Whisker Cat Cafe
Location: Tupelo, Mississippi
Website: twistedwhiskertupelo.com