Source: Mahoning Matters (Extract)
Posted: July 1, 2021
If left untreated, heatstroke in pets can lead to severe health consequences or death.
If the outdoors are too hot for you to handle, chances are your pets feel the same way.
With temperatures shattering records across the nation, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, excessive heat warnings in regions unfamiliar with such blistering conditions may be putting your dog and cat companions at risk of heat-related illness.
While humans are coated in millions of porous sweat glands to help cool off, pets have just a few primarily on their paws, making it harder for them to regulate their body temperature.
That’s why it’s important to be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion in pets because once they start, heatstroke can worsen quickly in the absence of immediate attention. If left untreated, heatstroke can lead to brain swelling, kidney failure, intestinal bleeding and abnormal blood clots.
What is heatstroke in pets?
Heat exhaustion in pets is also known as heatstroke, which is when their furry bodies reach above normal temperatures. For both cats and dogs, temperatures above 105 degrees Fahrenheit have reached heatstroke territory and could be life threatening.
Heatstroke can occur when pets spend time in extreme heat, don’t take breaks from playing to cool off or don’t have access to water, according to the American Animal Hospital Association.
What are signs of heatstroke in pets?
Cats and dogs both show similar signs of heat exhaustion, including excessive panting, drooling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, stumbling, redness of the tongue and mouth, rapid heart rate, poor responsiveness and seizures.
If your pet seems restless while outside as they try to find a cool spot to relax in, it might be time to take them inside, experts say.
Dogs will pant heavily to cool down more often than cats, but felines will also groom themselves excessively to try to lower their body temperature with their own saliva.
Pets that may face higher risks for heatstroke
All pets are vulnerable to heat exhaustion, but some have higher risks than others.
Short-nosed animals such as bulldogs and Persian cats are more at risk of overheating because they can’t release heat by panting as effectively as longer-nosed pets. Similarly, cats and dogs that are obese, older and living with heart or lung disease also have an increased risk, experts say.
Animals with thick fur are also predisposed to heat-related illness.
“These pets should never be left outside in the heat and should stay indoors with air conditioning during the summer,” the AAHA said.
How to help pets experiencing heat exhaustion
If your pet is showing signs of heat exhaustion, experts say you should immediately take them into a cool building and give them room temperature water, allowing them to drink as they please. You can also spray some water on them and use a fan to help lower their temperature.
But never try to cool your pets down too quickly, University of California, Davis veterinarians say. Using cold or ice water can shrink pets’ blood vessels in their skin that hamper the cooling process.
Also avoid covering dogs and cats in wet blankets or towels because that can trap heat underneath, blocking the heat from radiating off their bodies.
When your pet’s temperature reaches about 103 degrees Fahrenheit (you can check using a rectal thermometer), then you can stop all cooling efforts. If their condition doesn’t improve in about 10 minutes, then it’s time to visit the nearest veterinarian office.
Don’t forget about hot surfaces
While humans have shoes to protect ourselves from hot sidewalks or other surfaces, pets don’t, so experts advise doing a simple test to check if it’s safe for your cat or dog.
Pet owners should put their hand on a walkable surface for seven seconds, according to VetsNow; if it’s hard to keep it down without pain, then it’s too hot for a pet to walk on.
Not only can hot surfaces burn paw pads, they can also heat up pets’ bodies faster when they lay on them. Experts suggest walking your pets on grass instead of pavement, going outside in the early morning or late evening or applying paw wax to protect and moisturize pads when it’s hot out.
You can trim your pet’s hair during the summer to provide some relief from the heat, but “never shave your dog,” because their coats can “protect them from overheating and sunburn,” the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says.