Source: The National News (Extract)
Posted: August 8, 2022

Cats are one of the most common households pets in the US, and are celebrated worldwide on August 8.

International Cat Day, first established by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, was founded to help to educate the public on how to properly raise and protect our feline friends.

Nearly 32 million households in the US own at least one cat, data from the American Veterinary Medical Association shows.

While dogs remain the preferred household pet, many Americans were keen to have a cat companion since the Covid-19 pandemic. A survey from the ASPCA showed that 87 per cent of homes still house these pets. Those that were relocated were rehomed and given to friends, families and neighbours at a greater rate than shelters or rescues.

Pet owners aged 18-25 flocked to cats more than any other age demographic since the pandemic.

For a third year in a row, the Ragdoll remains the most popular cat breed in the US, according to the The Cat Fanciers’ Association. The Ragdoll is a large, long-tailed cat that is known for its gentle and sociable behaviour.

The ASPCA recommends that cat owners purchase high-quality, properly balanced cat food that contains taurine, an amino acid that is essential for eye and heart health. Owners are also cautioned to keep treats to a minimum. Only 5 to 10 per cent of a cat’s diet should consist of treats.

Cats also do not need baths often, but owners should brush them frequently to keep their coats clean and cut down on hairballs.